Cornus Sericea Flaveriama

Cornus Sericea Flaveriama

Cornus Sericea Flaveriama’s nectar rich flowers are known for attracting bees and birds. It has deep yellow-green stems, deep green leaves, and produces creamy-white flowers and colourful berries.

Like most dogwoods they are typically grown for that blaze of winter colour, with their richly coloured barks. Cornus alba is native to Siberia, north China and Korea. Left unchecked, this vigorous plant will grow to a medium sized shrub, but excessive growth can be easily restricted by regular pruning.

To produce the brightest and glossiest winter bark, it is best to plant in full sun, and it is a wonderful aesthetic companion to evergreen shrubs. 

Plant: September – October – November
Flowers: May – June
Fruit: July – August
Prune: March

Photo by David J. Stang, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

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