Prunus Novita

prunus novita

Cherry Laurel Prunus laurocerasus ‘Novita’ from the genus Prunus, is also known as the Cherry Laurel. It is an evergreen shrub, upright, and quite dense, with mid green leaves when young.The oblong glossy leaves later become a darker green, and in Spring the hedge boasts fragrant white flowers, which precede red […]

Prunus Caucasica

Prunus Caucasica

Laurel Hedging Prunus Caucasica, a laurel hedge plant is one of the lesser-known members of the species. It offers very similar characteristics to the popular Common or Cherry Laurel, and is extremely hardy. Its’ foliage is a very deep green and remains so, even throughout winter.Prunus laurocerasus ‘Caucasica’ is an ideal […]

Ligustrum Ovalifolium Aureum

Ligustrum Ovalifolium Aureum

Golden Privet Ligustrum Ovalifolium Aureum is an upright, vigorous shrub with semi-evergreen elliptical shiny dark green leaves margined with a golden yellow. In summer months, clusters of small white, very fragrant flowers appear, followed by black berries. It grows to a medium sized hedge, which needs little maintenance, and is commonly use […]

Ligustrum Ovalifolium

Ligustrum Ovalifolium

Privet Hedging Ligustrum ovalifolium, also known as Korean privet, California privet, garden privet,  and oval-leaved privet, is a species of flowering plant in the olive family Oleaceae. The species is native to Japan and Korea. Ligustrum ovalifolium is a dense, fast-growing, deciduous (evergreen/semi-evergreen in warm winter areas) shrub or small tree. […]